El recurso V.O. Rules for children and parents in the use of technology. Elizabeth Kilbey es de formato Vídeo Vídeo

V.O. Rules for children and parents in the use of technology. Elizabeth Kilbey

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Elizabeth Kilbey, psychologist and writer, is the most well-known face of the British television series "The secret life of children", where she analyzes the behavior of the children between 4 and 6 years old who participate in the program. She recently published 'Disconnected Children', a book that shows the challenges that parents face in the digital age and provides the necessary tools to ensure that the time our children spend in front of a device does not become a problem.


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Tipo Vídeo: El formato del recurso es Vídeo

Idioma: Español

Fecha de publicación: 19 de enero 2019

Duración: 5:46

Idioma: Inglés

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el día 11/6/2019

El recurso ha sido compartido por Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil es autor verificado Pau Ferri Aracil es profesional verificado
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