El recurso V.O. Complete. Your relation to technology is the best example for your child. Adam Alter es de formato Vídeo Vídeo

V.O. Complete. Your relation to technology is the best example for your child. Adam Alter

Imagen portada V.O. Complete. Your relation to technology is the best example for your child. Adam Alter
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In the next video, Adam Alter, psychologist, and lecturer in the Psychology Department at the New York University show the mechanisms of an addictive behavior to explain how to do a good use of technology and mitigate its negative effects in the relationships with our children.

How can we live with technological devices such as mobile phones, which perform such an important role in our lives? He holds that the interaction with technology when our children are in front of us is the best example for them because “the children consider interesting what their parents are paying attention to”, he warns.


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Tipo Vídeo: El formato del recurso es Vídeo

Idioma: Español

Fecha de publicación: 14 de Octubre 2018

Duración: 30:57

Idioma: Español

Compartido por el usuario

el día 12/6/2019

El recurso ha sido compartido por Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil es autor verificado Pau Ferri Aracil es profesional verificado
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