El recurso V.O. Complete. Advice from a neuroscientist and mother for your teenage son. F. Jensen es de formato Vídeo Vídeo

V.O. Complete. Advice from a neuroscientist and mother for your teenage son. F. Jensen

Imagen portada V.O. Complete. Advice from a neuroscientist and mother for your teenage son. F. Jensen
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Frances Jensen, neuroscientist, believes that teenagers are “learning machines”. In her latest book, ‘The Teenage Brain’, this neurologist also draws upon her experience as a mother of two adolescents. “I decided to write it when I realized that we were living an experiment at home”, she affirms.


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Tipo Vídeo: El formato del recurso es Vídeo

Idioma: Español

Fecha de publicación: 14 de diciembre 2018

Duración: 45:05

Idioma: Inglés

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el día 11/6/2019

El recurso ha sido compartido por Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil

Pau Ferri Aracil es autor verificado Pau Ferri Aracil es profesional verificado
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