Living In The Present Moment. El ahora.

All video and sounds are recorded on my equipment...
Thumbnail license at:
We go a bit deeper in the understanding of the now, the present moment, living the moment...
Vamos mas profundo en lo que es el recuerdo de si, vivir el momento, el ahora, el presente...
All video and sounds are recorded on my equipment...*All material was recorded during my trip to Ecuador. All sounds, images, are created from my camera, imac, iphone, and are mine and free for anyone to use;(royalty free) Just mention it is created by "chilupian"
You may copy and distribute this message in any media so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this copyright notice.
Please watch: "Mi Sueño Lucido. ¡Creí que moriría! Mi experiencia."

Ficha técnica
Tipo Vídeo:
Idioma: Español
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